Project meetings
During the project implementation, 4 project meetings will be held. Each meeting is attended by four persons from the applicant's institution, i.e. the District Centre for Education Development in Giżycko (director of the institution, project coordinator, person who keeps the project documentation, person responsible for project finances) and at least one person representing each partner. During the project meetings, decisions concerning the determination of the methods of project implementation are worked out, as well as evaluation of the implemented activities. The meetings are also used to acquaint the management of partner institutions, which in general will not participate in trainings, with the infrastructure of libraries and the existing strategies for the implementation of reading education conducted by partners.
Project meeting No. 1
Organizer: District Education Development Centre in Giżycko,
Place: Giżycko, District Education Development Centre
Deadline: 16 - 17.10.2019
Agenda of the meeting
Discussing the way of project implementation. Signing agreements between the applicant institution and partners. Establishing the method of financing and documenting the project activities. Discussing the methods of conducting the first training courses in Alytus, Lithuania from March to April 2020. Presentation of partners from Giżycko. Brief visits to individual partners, discussion of the way and methods of conducting reading education by partners. Presentation of school libraries of Giżycko partners. Visit to the public library.
Description of the meeting No. 1
Project meeting No. 2
Organizer: Dzūkija School in Alytus,
Place: Alytus - Dzūkija School, other partners in Alytus
Deadline: 16-17.02.2020.
Agenda of the meeting
Presentation of the results of the evaluation of training conducted in Alytus (will be carried out later by correspondence. Discussing again the way of project implementation. Final determination of the way of conducting training. Discussing the methods of dissemination of the project and activities performed by individual partners. Discussing further training courses conducted in Giżycko planned for September - October 2020. Visits to other partners in Alytus, including discussion of the way and methods of conducting reading education by them. Presentation of partners' school libraries. Visit to the public library in Alytus.
Description of the meeting No. 2
Project meeting No. 3
Organizer. School No. 93 in Riga
Place: Riga
Date: September 9-10, 2021.
Planned program of the meeting
Presentation of the evaluation of the training in Gizycko. Discussion of the status of the project, the main objectives and how they will be implemented. Discussion of the training planned for autumn 2021 in Latvia. Visits to selected Latvian partners to discuss their ways and methods of reading education. Presentation of partner school libraries in Riga. A visit to the Riga Public Library.
Description of the meeting No. 3
Project meeting No.4
Organizer: Dainavia Progymnasium School
Place: Alytus
Date: 7-8.04.2022.
Planned program of the meeting
Evaluation of Alytus training. Financial issues related to the implementation of the project. The situation of open educational resources. Discussion of the tasks to be carried out within the framework of the project: training in Gizycko May 4-6, 2022, organization of conferences in each country, development of a new school reading development program, development of a school library development program, development of recommendations to the authorities on the necessary measures for reading development, discussion of the timetable for the implementation of the activities of all partners.
Presentation of the Reading Development Program at St. John Paul II Elementary School. Presentation of the Reading Promotion Program at the Municipal Kindergarten No. 4 in Gizycko.
Description of the meeting No. 4