Learning, teaching and training activities
Learning, teaching and training activities, i.e. teacher training is the core activity of the project. They are attended by 50 people, 5 representing each partner. Participation in the trainings will help teachers to acquire and/or develop skills in reading education, which we understand as developing students' reading interests and competences, as well as promoting and supporting the development of book reading among children and young people.
The exchange of experience during the training will facilitate the development by teams of teachers from one school of a strategy for the development of reading at school and the definition of a new way to operate the school library. The knowledge and skills acquired by teachers as a result of the project will be applied and developed by them in further work.
It is hoped that the direct example of the participating teachers and the schools involved in this project will encourage other teachers and other schools to use the information and results posted on this publicly accessible website.
Training dates and organizers
No. |
Lead organization |
The main topic of the training |
Country, place, form of training |
Training date |
Number of people participating in the training |
1 |
The District Centre for Education Development in Giżycko in cooperation with the Complex of Electronic and Computer Schools in Giżycko and other project partners from the Giżycko District |
Reading education and school and public libraries in Giżycko County |
Poland Giżycko Remote education |
Group A 16.11-20.11.2020 Group B 23.11.-27.11.2020 |
50 (20 +30) |
2 |
Riga 93rd Secondary School in cooperation with Riga Lithuanian Secondary School and Jelgava Technical School |
Education of reading competences carried out in schools in Latvia |
Latvia stationary Riga and Jelgava |
20-24 september 2021 |
50 |
3 |
Alytus Vocational Training Centre in cooperation with Alytus Dzūkija School and Alytus Dainava Pro-Gymnasium |
Reading education in Lithuania and the functioning of school and public libraries in Lithuania |
Lithuania stationary (Alytus, Vilnius) |
8-12 november 2021 |
50 |
4 |
District Education Development Centre |
Reading education and school and public libraries in Giżycko District (Supplementary training) |
Poland |
4-7.05.2022 |
50 |
Szczegółowe programy szkoleń
Training in Giżycko
Topic: Reading education in Poland and school and public libraries in Gizycko County
Module I. Developing digital competence according to the "Reference framework for the development and understanding of digital competence in Europe DIGCO MP" as applied to reading education and library work. Dzień 1 |
8.00 -14.30 |
Competence 3. Content creation. Content creation |
Marcin Zaród Expert employed by the District Centre for Education Development |
Competence 3. Content integration and processing |
Competence 3 Comply with copyright law and applicable licenses |
Competence 3. Programming |
Competency 4. Security. Tools to protect information resources |
Competence 4. Protection of personal data |
Competence 4. Protecting the health of computer users |
Day 2 |
8.00 -14.30 |
Competence 4. Safety and environmental protection |
Marcin Zaród Expert employed by the District Centre for Education Development |
Competence 5. Troubleshooting Solving technical problems |
Competence 5. Identifying the needs and tools necessary to solve problems |
Competence 5. Innovation and creative use of technology. |
Competency 5. identify digital competency gaps in individuals |
Module II. Innovative strategies to disseminate reading among children and young people implemented in Poland Day 3 |
8.00 -11.00 |
Organization of the library in the Complex of Electronic and Information Technology Schools in Giżycko |
Waldemar Bargiel Complex of Schools of Electronics and Information Technology in Giżycko |
Methods/strategies used in reading education at the Complexof Electronic and Information Technology Schools in Giżycko |
11.30 -14.30 |
Organization of the District Pedagogical Library in the District Center for Education Development in Giżycko |
Grazyna Imporowicz District Centre for Education Development in Giżycko |
Methods/strategies used in reading education in the District Pedagogical Library in the District Centre for Education Development. |
Dzień 4 |
8.00 -12.00 |
The impact of reading on the social and material development of residents and on the economic development of the country |
Waldemar Bargiel, Complex of Schools of Electronics and Information Technology in Giżycko Kazimierz Ambroziak District Centre for Education Development in Giżycko |
General level of readership in Poland |
Education of reading skills in schools in Poland |
National Programme for the Development of Reading in Poland in the years 2015-2020 |
Strategies for developing students' reading competences presented in the publication "READERSHIP – NEW QUALITY" |
12.30 -14.30 |
Organization of reading education in the Municipal Kindergarten No. 4. |
Iwona Słowikowska City Kindergarten No. 4 in Giżycko |
Methods/strategies used in reading education in the Municipal Kindergarten No. 4 in Giżycko. |
Dzień 5 |
8.00-12.00 |
Selected methods of reading education used in schools in Poland |
Beata Harasim Primary School in RydzewoKazimierz Ambroziak District Centre for Education Development in Giżycko |
Nationwide reading campaigns and initiatives - "National Reading |
Nationwide reading campaigns and initiatives - "Night of Libraries", |
Nationwide reading campaigns and initiatives - "The whole of Poland reads to children |
Poland reads - Sweden reads - or how they do it in Sweden |
12.30 -14.30 |
Organization of the library at the Primary School in Rydzewo |
Katarzyna Kozłowska Primary School in Rydzewo |
Methods/strategies used in reading education at the Primary School in Rydzewo |
Open educational resources related to the training prepared by lecturers (they are available on the "Open Educational Resources" subpage).
Description of the completed action - to download.
Opinions of training participants (are available on the "Open Educational Resources" subpage)
Training in Riga and Jełgawa
Training of reading competences carried out in schools in Latvia
Day 1 - 20.09.2021 |
School No. 93 |
8.00 13.00 |
How to promote personally meaningful reading in primary education? |
Gunta Siliņa Jasukēviča. |
“Possibilities of using the Dibels NEXT test to assess reading skills and determine support measures |
Anda Mauriņa |
Various platforms and tasks to promote reading skills |
Indra Siksaliete |
Promotion of reading skills in Riga Secondary School No. 93 primary school literature lesson |
Indra Siksaliete |
Promotion of reading skills in Riga Secondary School No. 93 primary school literature lesson |
Developing reading skills in a foreign language (German) |
Inga Volfa |
School library - as a special place in developing reading skills and forming habits of book reading |
Teaching aids for learning to read and write |
Liene Valdmane |
15.00-17.00 |
Riga Youth Centre "Kaņieris" Promotion of reading at Riga Youth Center "Kaņieris". |
Pracownicy Centrum |
8.00-12.00 |
Day 2 - 21.09.2021 |
Lithuanian Secondary School in Riga |
Theater Art as a Reading Room |
Reinis Vējiņš |
Open lesson in "Theater Art" |
Reinis Vējiņš |
Pedagogical and psychological aspects of literacy |
D. Potashova, S. Paula |
School library tasks in literacy development. |
D. Potashova, S. Paula |
National Library in Riga |
15.00 -17.00 |
Projects aimed at shaping reading habits carried out by the National Library in Riga. |
Library Staff |
DAY 3 - 22.09.2021 |
Rainis and Aspazija Museum in Riga |
8.00 -15.00 |
Evaluation of LU OESD, PIZA, PIRLS studies and using the results of these studies to promote reading |
Antra Antra Ozola Rita Kiselova - |
Life and work of Latvian poets Rainis and Aspasia (film) . |
Pracownicy Muzeum |
“Integrative teaching methodology to reduce specific reading disorders in primary school students" "Reading as an act of speech", "Strategies for learning to read" - |
Anda Kauliņa |
DAY 4 - 23.09.2021 |
8.00 -15.00 |
Ziedonis Foundation |
Creative writing and other reading techniques |
Iveta Ratinika |
Assessment of reading skills in state exams - the situation in Latvia after the 3rd grade, after the 6th grade, after the 9th grade |
Kaspars Špūle |
The use of museums of Latvian writers and poets to promote the reading of books by young people - museum pedagogy. Educational activities at the O. Vācietis Museum and the Akurater Museum. |
Museum staff |
Dzień 5 - 24.09.2021 |
Technical School in Jełgawa |
8.00-14.00 |
Teacher presentations / stories about promoting literacy |
School teachers |
Presentation ofthe Technical School in Jelgava with school tours (library, study rooms, laboratories, workshops) |
School teachers |
Promotion of reading in the City Library in Jelgava. |
Library staff |
Promotion of reading carried out by the Library for Children and Youth "Zinitis" |
Library Staff |
Description of the completed activity (download)
Evaluation of the training – Reflections of the training participants (download)
Training in Alytus
Reading education in Lithuania and the functioning of school and public libraries in Lithuania
Place of training:
School in Kurnėnai Lauris Radziukynas,
Friendship St. 2, Kurnėnai, LT-64233 Alytus r.
Training program
Day 1 2021-11-08 |
9:00 – 10:00 |
Cognitive excursion around Kurnėnai school |
Dainava |
10:00 – 11:00 |
Training (Module I) “Digital Infrastructure of Lithuanian Schools: IT Possibilities and Implementation” |
Kęstutis Viselga |
11:00 – 12:00 |
Training (Module II) "Creative Reading Strategies" |
Nijolė Amšiejienė, |
13:00 – 14:30 |
Implementation of reading education by school and library - Alytus Vocational Training Center. Visit to APRC library and school, Putinų str. 40, Alytus |
Vijoleta Vaitulevičienė Jolanta Miliauskė |
15:00- 16:00 |
Evaluation of reading education among schoolchildren conducted by Alytus Vocational Education Center |
Jolanta Miliauskė |
Day 2 2021-11-09 |
9:00 – 10:30 |
Training (Module I) Communication and cooperation using digital tools. |
Jurgita Kamandulienė |
10.30 -11.00 |
Training (Module II) “Lithuanian Reading Promotion Program and Alytus Dainava Progymnasium Reading Promotion Experiences” |
Eglė Lynykienė |
11:00 – 12:00 |
Training (Module II) "Reading to a dog - a way to make friends with a book". The dog will participate in the training. |
Inesa Ežerskytė-Purenok (special educator, speech therapist, cannithe therapist. Joana Grygutis (psychologist, cannithe therapist ) |
13:00 – 14:30 |
Visit to Alytus Dainava Progymnasium Library and School, Vilties str. 12, Alytus Implementation of reading education by the school and the library |
Edita Matulevičienė, Virginija Šeštokienė |
14:30 |
Evaluation of reading education among schoolchildren conducted by Alytus Dainava School |
Edita Matulevičienė |
Day 3 2021-11-10 |
9:00 – 11:00 |
Training (Module I) “Digital Infrastructure of Lithuanian Schools: IT Possibilities and Implementation” |
Kęstutis Viselga |
11:00 – 12:00 |
Training (Module II) "Reading Strategy Cards" |
Danutė Venclovaitienė, |
13:00 – 14:30 |
Visit to Alytus Dzūkija School Library and School, Tvirtovės str. 7, Alytus. Implementation of reading education by school and library |
Inga Diškevičienė |
14:30- 15.30 |
Evaluation of reading education among schoolchildren conducted by Alytus Dzūkija School |
Edita Matulevičienė |
Day 4 2021-11-11 |
9:00 – 11:00 |
Training (Module I) IT Reading |
Vilija Špokienė |
11:00 – 12:20 |
Training (Module II) “Children's literature in Lithuania. A decade of change "(Children's literature in Lithuania. A decade of change". |
Justinas Vancevičius (Head of the Children's Land Programme) |
13:00 – 14:30 |
Visit to Alytus City Library, Seirijų str. 2, Alytus |
Vilija Sušinskienė |
14:30 |
Evaluation of reading education provided by public cultural institutions of the City of Alytus |
Edita Matulevičienė Vilija Sušinskienė |
Dzień 5 2021-11-12 |
8:00 – 12:00 |
Reading education implemented by the National Library of Lithuania. A visit to the National Library of Lithuania in Vilnius |
Silva Balčiuvienė Edita Matulevičienė Eglė Lynykienė |
12:00 -14:00 |
Evaluation of reading education provided by public cultural institutions and schools in Lithuania |
Silva Balčiuvienė Edita Matulevičienė Eglė Lynykienė |
Open educational resources related to the training prepared by the lecturers (they are placed on the website - subpage Open Educational Resources).
Description of the realized activity (to be downloaded )
Complementary training in Gizycko in Giżycko
Topic: Reading education in Poland and school and public libraries in Gizycko County
Topic: Reading education in Poland and school and public libraries in Gizycko County
Training program
04.05.2022 (Wednesday)
8.00 - departure to Olsztyn.
10.30-14.00 - visit to the Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn.
15.30 - departure to the University Library of the University of Warmia and Mazury
16.00 -17.30 - tour of the library
17.30 - 20.00 - return to Giżycko
05.05.2022 (thursday)
10.00 - 13.00 - conference summarizing the project "Effective strategies in students' reading education"
15.30 - departure to Ryn
16.00 17.30 - Who was the hero of Adam Mickiewicz's poem - Konrad Wallenrod. Tour of the Castle in Ryn.
17.30- 21.00 - "Joint Polish-Lithuanian-Latvian reading at the School Youth Hostel in Ryn".
06.05.2022 (Friday)
8.00 - collection PORE (5 Smętka Street) and departure to Municipal Kindergarten No. 4 in Gizycko
8.15-10.30- Municipal Kindergarten No. 4 "All of Poland Reads to Children"
11.00 - 13.00- Concert Hall of the Music School (22 Kolejowa St.). Participation in the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Municipal Public Library in Gizycko.
7.05.2022 (Saturday)
9.00 - 13.00 - District Pedagogical Library in Gizycko.
Summary of the project. Completion of the training and presentation of certificates